The first thing to keep in mind about the CSIDMAN is that it completely embraces and makes no apologies for the fact that it is digital (though it does have a 100% analog dry path). Digital is the CSIDMANs aesthetic: as a delay pedal, it strives to reproduce echoes as true to the input as possible without filtering. When you utilize its scratched disc, stuttery, and glitchy behaviors, it is pseudo-random, yet gives you a certain amount of control over the randomness.
- TIME Controls the echo delay lines delay time up to 725mS, as well as the rate of the glitch.
- MIX Gives you control over the wet/dry balance from 100% wet to 100% dry.
- FEED Controls the amount of feedback going back into the unit.
- CUTS (used in conjunction with the LATCH knob) controls the buffer memory length.
- LATCH controls the relative time in a cycle that the CSIDMAN is in a latching skipping state. When full counterclockwise, it doesnt skip, allowing you to use the pedal as a traditional digital delay. When full clockwise, the unit is stuck repeating whatever is in the buffer memory. At noon, this knob is a 50/50 balance (though random) between a skip-playback state and non-skip sample state.
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